Macular Hole Surgery Recovery Without Face-Down Positioning

Maculas give sharp, concentrated vision and can rip or open to create macular holes. Although this is a frightening diagnosis, surgical innovations are yielding better outcomes. Avoiding face-down recovery has made macular hole surgery more patient-friendly. You might be wondering about your recovery from macular hole surgery. It will advise a better experience and clarify… Continue reading Macular Hole Surgery Recovery Without Face-Down Positioning

Face Down Equipment Rental after Eye Surgery

It might be difficult to recover from vitrectomy eye surgery or detached retina surgery, especially if you must maintain a face off position for days or weeks. To speed healing, doctors advise staying face-down to maintain an air or gas bubble used in surgery to support the retina. Though simple, staying face-down for a long… Continue reading Face Down Equipment Rental after Eye Surgery

What Piece of Equipment Is Crucial to a Vitrectomy

Have you lately heard of vitrectomy? This sensitive procedure handles retinal detachment, macular holes, and vitreous hemorrhage. Think of a filled balloon eye. A vitrectomy is the delicate removal of the jelly-like vitreous inside the eye to reach and repair retinal damage. Today’s discussion concerns vitrectomy tools. The vitrector will be the main emphasis of… Continue reading What Piece of Equipment Is Crucial to a Vitrectomy

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